It’s about creating and learning

I’ve been thinking about why I want to learn how to code. It’s about creating. I love to create whether writing blog posts, creating websites, or coding examples. I also find coding relaxing. Once I get an idea and start coding, I get in the zone and time just flies. It is a great feeling!

Using what I learn and applying it to a real application is important. It allows me to use my knowledge in a serious way. Instead of creating silly, little examples, I create something useful. To learn, I decided to create a to-do list. At first, my program was just a few print and input statements. When I learned about arrays, I used them for my to-do list. I created arrays for must do, important, and want to do tasks. I needed to save this information so I could access them each day. I learned about reading, writing, and appending to a file.

My to-do list program is a small application, but it is useful. It will give me the opportunity to become familiar with modifying and updating programs. As I learn more and as I think about additional functionality for my to-do list, I will need to modify it. I can also recreate my to-do list app in different programming languages that I decide to learn and see how these languages are different and which ones are better for certain apps than others. Good examples make learning more meaningful.


Now read this

Scratch and Python

There are many reasons to have children learn the basics of coding. The goal is not to set the foundation for your child to become a programmer. If they want to, fine, but learning to code provides other benefits. It teaches logical... Continue →